Sleep makes you beautiful: 2 night hairstyles for perfect hair in the morning
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Hair is extremely important for us women: every morning, in fact, in addition to deciding what to wear, we have to choose which style to give our hair that, for its part, does not always feel good. Every woman knows what a bad hair day means and each of us has experienced the tragic effects at least once: frizzy hair, impossible to comb, swollen and rebellious are just some of the problems that arise in those days when our own hair they don't want to know how to stay in the fold. So why not use these 2 simple "night" techniques that save us time and patience in the morning?
Natural curls
Do you have extremely smooth hair and want to add some volume and movement? Would you like some nice large and voluminous curls but without taking too long and without ruining your hair with heat? All you need is ... a sock! In the evening: after washing your hair, dry it by removing most of the water accumulated with the shampoo. Make a very high tail, using a soft elastic so as to prevent the unsightly "sign" left by one too tight. Then take your sock and, once the point is cut, roll it on itself like a donut (alternatively, you can also use donuts for hair that are now sold in many shops). Pass the tail in the hole and then, starting from the tips, roll sections of hair around the outside of the donut, being careful to fix them underneath it. Rolling the hair, you will come to the tail of the hair getting a chignon (an advice: you can use it as a hairstyle for the evening and "use it" to get curly hair leaving it until the next morning). In the morning: once you are able to roll out of bed, take breakfast calmly, follow your morning routine and, once you are ready to go out, do not forget to remove the sock from your hair: carefully unroll it until you get the tail and then remove the elastic (a tip: try using a transparent plastic elastic, so that you can cut it in the morning instead of having to pull it and break hair). At first glance it will seem to resemble the Lion King but have faith and begin to run your fingers through your hair, try to "calm" the swollen effect even with the help of a wide comb and you will end up with natural and durable waves .
Smooth like silk Using the hair straightener in addition to the hair dryer can damage our hair, especially if used one after the other. There is a method, even this "nocturnal", that can help those who want straight hair to minimize the use of the plate! In the evening: once the hair has dried completely, collect it in a very large chignon (try to use a soft ponytail and protect the area affected by the elastic with cotton wool, so as to avoid the mark) and secure it with hairpins . Wrap a silk scarf around your head to keep your hair soft and prevent it from becoming frizzy: this will make it easy to comb and shape, with no knots that can cause it to break. In the morning: once the chignon is melted, comb the hair with a wide-toothed comb and quickly pass the plate or use the hair dryer and a brush combing from top to bottom but without having to divide the hair into different strands.
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